Tamex Visne Receli/ Cherry Jam Muhallebi

Tamex Visne Receli

This delicious recipe is a must try and all ingredients are available to purchase from Arzum market.


1 Litre of Milk
2 small cups of Tamek Cherry Jam 
3 tablespoons of flour 
2 tablespoons od corn flour/nisasta
1 cup of sugar
1 packet of vanillin 
1 tablespoon of margarin or butter


1. Place your milk, sugar and flour in your pot and mix together. 
2. Once all mixed, place on top of stove on medium height and keep mixing until the mixture gets to a thicker consistency.
3. Once it is nice and thick, take off heat and mix through the vanilla and margarin
4. Pour the mixture into your serving cups, once it has cooled down, add the cherry jam ontop and place in fridge to cool down completely.
5. You can serve once cold and decorate with pistachio nuts or fresh cherries.